Switzerland already implemented TB disease control programs in 1896. Today, TB is no longer a burden to Switzerland, yet the country still hosts many of the organisations leading the fight against TB. This includes organisations like the StopTB Partnership, FIND and the World Health Organization, procurement agencies like the Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility, the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Delft Imaging has had the opportunity to collaborate extensively with the organisations mentioned above. As such, we supported the StopTB Partnership and the Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility with the New Tools (iNTP) project, which USAID funded. The project, including the delivery of 55 portable backpack X-ray systems (the Delft Light) and the artificial intelligence software to detect TB-related abnormalities on chest X-rays at 63 sites automatically. The project was implemented across seven countries, including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, the Philippines, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bangladesh and Vietnam.

Moreover, for many years, we have collaborated with FIND on the research of CAD4TB. Currently, the World Health Organization is working on the Pre-Qualification Process of Computer Aided Detection solutions for tuberculosis and has asked FIND for its support. To support its research, we installed CAD4TB on the servers of FIND to facilitate research on the software.

To view the complete list of publications that have come out on CAD4TB, please see our full publication list