Afghanistan has been facing significant challenges in controlling tuberculosis (TB). TB is a serious public health concern in Afghanistan due to various factors such as political instability, limited healthcare infrastructure, ongoing conflicts, and poverty. These conditions have hindered the country’s efforts to address and manage the disease effectively. In 2020, an estimated 75,000 people developed TB; among them, 1,000 were children. Furthermore, there are believed to be 29,182 missing people with TB, of which 5,262 were children.

In 2021, Delft Imaging supported the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with 15 ultra-portable Delft Ultra X-ray systems, including the artificial intelligence software CAD4TB for the automated screening of TB. In 2022, another three units of the portable Delft Ultra X-ray system and CAD4TB were procured for the same program.

The Pajhwok Afghan News channel also covered the project.